Sunday 7 August 2016

Mad Summer Finish Dash - Day 6

A bit late but my laptop was still running a's day 6 of the MSFD! Being a Saturday, I got some more time to stitch today despite the errands I had to run (mostly shopping, cleaning, and helping out my grandparents). I continued working on the lower right corner of the grandchildren project:

 I also worked a tiny bit on the strawberry sampler and put in the next band - nothing exciting here, just plain cross stitch, but then that is kind of exciting after straight backstiching for over a week!


Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

oh this is so great!!

Tiffstitch said...

Nice update and a good change to work on something else as well. :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great work on both pieces. It's nice to have some contrast in your stitching.